
what’s Lyme?

a complex tick borne infectious full body disease that has no cure once it hits stage 2 & 3

if treated promptly with antibiotics symptoms may subside

but that’s not everyone’s experience

there’s a big difference between post-treatment lyme disease & chronic or late-stage lyme

Post-treatment lyme is when you’ve been treated and the treatment protocal failed

chronic or late-stage Lyme is when you’ve been undiagnosed & subsequently untreated for so long

that the disease is fully disseminated (full body infiltration status)


some get a very distinct bulls-eye rash unique to lyme at the time of the bite or shortly after

others either don’t or don’t remember ever seeing or having any sort of rash or known tick bite

Lyme spirochetes infiltrate the immune system by invading, mutating & then evading the immune system completely

lyme hides in organs & feeds off the host like a parasite

it causes debilitating physical & neurological symptoms that limit basically everything the person can do

it impacts the core of their health

it results in cancer

read my mother’s story here

read my story here

ticks are not the only mehtod of transportation in this infectious disease although currently there is little or no research on other bugs like mosquitos, fleas, mites or flies

there is evidence these other bugs carry lyme disease so one wonders if they may transmit the disease to humans

my existence & health concerns from birth point directly to transmission during fetal development

in my case this disease is late stage, gestational or congenital meaning i acquired the disease in utero or through my mother’s breast milk

there was a 25 year delay in my diagnosis & a 30 year delay in my mother’s

it goes


in canada

& around the world

just like endo